We believe deeply that we need to make peace with nature and each other and in northern British Columbia on the unceded territory (Yintah) of the Wet’suwet’en, this is so abundantly clear.
Yes we need to end the fracking…stop the building of Site C dam…stop the Coastal Gas-link pipeline…stop the building of the LNG plant in Kitimat…ban the tankers from the Pacific west coast.
Without the pipeline…no gas moves from the fracking fields of northeast BC to the west coast…it all hinges on the support that the Wet’suwet’en people receive.
The Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs have launched two separate legal actions to defend their rights and title from unwanted industrial activity, and to hold the governments of Canada and British Columbia accountable to climate commitments for future generations.
The only way to end the climate crisis is to massively reduce carbon emissions – primarily by stopping the burning of fossil fuels…by reducing the supply.
What is happening in northern BC is probably the critical juncture for us all as a community, a society, a global village, to decide what is important for the future…are we going to continue to be at the mercy of the big national and international banks, private foreign equity firms, foreign energy companies, whose interest is to maximize profit at the expense of the world we all live in or will we see a more balanced approach to our relationship with nature?
The British Columbia situation is a microcosm for the rest of the world…exploitation of the land…exploitation of the Indigenous people in the region…we know this is not how we should be treating nature or other people…we just need the courage to say, enough is enough…there are better ways.
What is happening in BC on Wet’suwet’en unceded land is ultimately a clash of cultures…a differing of philosophies in terms of our relationships to the earth…it is a confluence of so many issues that need to be looked at not only separately but in their totality and the ramifications that will affect us all.
It is heartbreaking to watch as the CIRG division of the RCMP time after time bring in their military style vehicles, helicopters, guns and dogs to force the removal of the peaceful blockades of the Wet’suwet’en as they try to protect their lands, waters and wildlife in spite of the fact that the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs hold governance over their unceded territories.
This fight for Indigenous rights will continue to play out on many fronts…at Canoe Foundation our focus in terms of funding will be through a legal defence fund at Raven (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) in support of the Wet’suwet’en People whose rights and title to their unceded territory (Yintah) are at risk in northern British Columbia. Join us in our vision to provide access to justice for the Wet’suwet’en Indigenous Nation.
Wet’suwet’en Legal Defence Fund
Make a contribution from the Paddle Project or a Financial Donation.
We would like to acknowledge the generosity of RAVEN and Amazon Watch for providing some of the impactful images that appear throughout the web site, that bring visual representation to our story.
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